Improving GGC

GGC Report.xls GGC Report.xls
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The survey (unfortunately wufoo would not let me do the report the way i wanted, as it only allowed me to show one of my questions) is meant to ask students about various aspects regarding GGC and how they would like to change it. Like I said, unfortunately, the report only came out with one of my questions, the others I just couldn't add to it. Nevertheless, the answers to my survey will be reported in the following paragraphs. A lot of my questions dealing with the survey tended to have humorous aspects to them, but ultimately they all dealt with what the students themselves though of Georgia Gwinnett College, and how they thought the school could be improved.

All right, here are the questions I surveyed the students

  •  Would you be willing to move to the dorms when they are completed? (the answers were two yes, three no, and a joke answer)
  • How do you feel about the food in GGC? (the answers were that the food is good but it could be better, and also the other 3 people complained that the price was too expensive)
  • How do you feel about the new library project? (two people didn't care, the other four thought it was a great step forward for GGC)
  • Would you say the parking lot needs to be expanded? (only one person said no, the other five said yes)
  • What major would you like to be added to the curriculum? (the students had a freedom to write what they wanted with history and nursing being the only reasonable answers)
  • Who's the best professor at GGC? (this one was right down to opinion, and few people said that Dr. Napier was their favorite)
  • What would you like to be changed on campus? (again student could write their own responses, answers included parking, food, services and safety)

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